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John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Richards Law

Representing Owners Of Real Estate

261 Hartz Avenue Danville, California 94526 Phone: (925) 231-8104 FAX: (925) 231-8109 E-mail:
Richards Law Jack Schwartz
East Bay Rental Housing Association, EBRHA, Member, Richards Law EBRHA Member

Jack W. Schwartz, Jr.

(Of Counsel)

Biographical Information:

Jack joined Richards Law in January 2016 and brings 25 years of veteran leadership to the forefront to tackle complex leasing and landlord/tenant issues, mobile home park litigation, general real estate litigation.


John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Specializes in commercial and investment real estate transactions, real property lease negotiations, real estate finance and entity formations.

Advise & Counsel:

John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Represents commercial and investment property owners with acquiring, financing, leasing, managing and selling of their real property assets


Negotiates terms and conditions of, and draft agreements for, purchase and sale of real property


Drafts commercial leases and property management documents


Negotiates and drafts terms and conditions of commercial loan agreements and related documents on behalf of property owners with respect to acquisition and refinance loans


Forms corporations and limited liability companies for purpose of acquiring and holding real property assets and operations of small businesses


Counsels and represents mobilehome park owners throughout California



Richards Law National Apartment Association member
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer
John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Litigates real estate matters pertaining to:


Real estate transactions


Professional liability and errors and omissions proceeding


Commercial and residential unlawful detainer cases throughout California


Represents mobilehome park owners in defense of failure to maintain claims



John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Mediates real estate and business disputes.


Community Involvement:

John Richards lawyer, Danville's best real estate lawyer, best real estate lawyer

Alameda County Bar Association

State Bar of California

East Bay Rental Housing Association: Board of Directors and Vice President

National Apartment Association

Berkeley Property Owners Association

California Rental Housing Association: Board of Directors and Vice President

Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association

Richards Law member of California Rental Housing Association, Jack Schwartz, member
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